ThursDev: Thoughts on Amazon Lumberyard, and the risk of the AAA engine

On Tuesday, February 9th, 2016,, inc. announced that they were releasing a brand new AAA game development engine, releasing a branch of the CryEngine, including source code, completely free (except for paid server hosting services through their natively connected Amazon Web Services solutions business. In this episode of ThursDev, Luke takes a moment to weigh in with first impressions on the announcement of the engine, its distinguishing factors, and the challenges the engine will face gaining traction in a deeply entrenched market. Luke also revisits the story of Havok’s now-defunct engine project, Project Anarchy – and why even engines with a lot going for them can fail. 0:31 What is Lumberyard? 3:55 A high point of entry for new engines 6:05 Another free engine – Project Anarchy 8:10 How Lumberyard can succeed 8:42 Expectations for the immediate future 9:55 Closing thoughts & what Amazon’s doing right so far Check out Lumberyard at:

ThursDev is a weekly series where the NPCs talk about aspects of game development, teach about tools of the trade and offer tutorials in various game dev disciplines. Focused around development principles relevant to small-to-mid-sized developers, indies, hobbyists & hopefuls alike, the series includes basic tutorials, genre retrospectives, thoughts on relevant emerging trends in the games industry and game development theory, methodology and philosophy.

The NPCs are:
Luke Rideout (Project Manager at Hothead Games): Game Design & Production
Jon Wood (Project Manager at Current Studios): Production, Sound, PR & Games Journalism
Matt Goodmanson (Senior Artist at Silverback Games): 2D & 3D art

All opinions and techniques stated in these videos are personal to the members of Level 0 NPCs. None of the opinions or views stated in this video represent the views or beliefs of Hothead Games, Current Studios or Silverback Games.

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