Handgranate / Grenade – Blender 3D Game Engine Tutorial

Hier lernt Ihr, wie Ihr eine Handgranate in ein Spiel einbaut. Diese explodiert natürlich auch :-) Ist der Daumen oben, wird man Euch loben =^.^= Source
Hier lernt Ihr, wie Ihr eine Handgranate in ein Spiel einbaut. Diese explodiert natürlich auch :-) Ist der Daumen oben, wird man Euch loben =^.^= Source
Python ****************************************************************** Tutorial nº 2 parte 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KCM2vIhGhk Tutorial nº 2 parte 1 ...
All information is in the description! Here's a tutorial explaining my method of saving / loading a blender game using the global dictionary. It's probably not the most effective method but it ...
Fala galera! Nesse vídeo eu mostro como mover um cubo usando um script simples em python. Mas o mais importante de tudo: Eu mostro como ler a API do Blender. ● API da UPBGE: pythonapi.upbge.org ● ...
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use logic brick sensors and actuators in combination with Python to increase the scope and efficiency of what you can do in the Blender Game Engine. If ...
PT-BR Olá pessoal, neste tutorial vamos inciar a série de vídeos sobre como criar um mini-game onde o nosso personagem vai enfrentar BOTS pelo cenário atirando, destruindo e botando sangue pra todo ...
For the full tutorial playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlv_N0_O1gb2ZoKzTApbv3LvhaXJ9elg Check out an overview of the Animation and Rigging Toolkit! This is the toolset Epic Games' ...
So apart from the game being reprogrammed I added some new features. First of all you can now grab Rigid Bodys like in Stranded Deep thanks to BluePrintRandom. Also I made a ragdoll for the rabbit, ...
Thanks for watching! In this video i show you how to set up a simple menu for your games. I use the method of switching scenes however you can also do this by using the "Game" actuator and opening ...
Como usar inputs de teclado mouse e controle analógico de um jeito fácil e pratico na UPBGE Partreon : https://patreon.com/indexde source