Creating a Beautiful House in Blender 2.8 – Architectural Tutorial | Beginner to Advanced

Creating a Beautiful House in Blender 2.8 – Architectural Tutorial | Beginner to Advanced

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This tutorial helps to do a detailed modeling of architectural visualization using various tools and addons in blender 2.8x.

Architecture design in blender is much easier and a fun. as the tools and addons are very adaptive to a creative architecture Workflow.

modeling a house in blender and texturing a house in blender is just made possible free of cost as blender is a free and open source software.

rendering a house in blender has a much realistic feel as we use cycles render engine.

The various addons used in this tutorials include
1. Add curve extra objects
2. Add mesh extra objects
3. Bezier curve utilities : Download link –
4. Node Wrangler
5. Magic UV

The topics Covered in this tutorial include

1. Importing An Autocad Plan to Blender
2. matching the units of blender and cad software
3. how to create walls and window spaces using solidify and boolean modifiers
4. how to create roofs in an easy way
5. how to create roof edge profiles
6. lighting and rendering in blender


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