Modifiers in Blender – Tutorial for Beginners

In this tutorial, I will teach you how to add modifiers to your 3D model in Blender.

In the previous video, I was talking about some 3D modeling basics, shortcuts and useful tips that can make 3D modeling faster. Now it’s time for something different: let’s add some modifiers to the 3D model!

Add a cube and go to modifiers. The first modifier that I will be talking about is the Subdivision Surface. It is a modifier that adds some subdivisions to the faces. It makes the faces look smoother and if you want to add more smoothness, just click here and you will add more subdivision levels, which can increase the number of vertices. Be careful: if you increase it too much, it will cause performance issues because of a huge number of vertices. For that reason, I don’t recommend you to set levels viewport setting to a number larger than two.

The next modifier I want to show you is the mirror modifier. Go to modifiers and add mirror. Here you can set different axes, by default it is set to X. You have to rotate your viewport so that X axis is on the right in order to mirror your model to the X axis. You can also try with other axes just to experiment with mirror modeling, but I would recommend you to keep X axis.

You can mirror your model over an object – mirror object. this is useful if you want to make a character (which will be explained in one of my following videos) because you want the body parts to be symmetrical. You can also use the eyedropper tool to find a 3D object that you want your object to be mirrored.

There are also more modifiers in this tutorial, so you can use this video to learn more about some useful modifiers for your 3D model. I have also planned to make more tutorials for modeling, rigging, sculpting and remeshing, including tutorials for texturing and UV mapping. These videos will be important because of the game industry that requires a good number of modelers and asset creators.

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