Want to make games like this? Check out my Unreal Engine 4 courses: https://devaddict.teachable.com/courses
Challenge accepted! Accept… no one gave me any challenge whatsoever. So why did I make a game in 6 hours in Unreal Engine 4? Boredom. And because I like to pretend there’s people in my comments telling me I can’t do things so I have to prove them wrong. But there’s no one actually saying those things. So I have to pretend. And that’s okay because it gives me an excuse to sit down in Unreal Engine 4 and make a fun little game in 6 hours with free characters and models that Epic provides on the Marketplace. Neat, huh? If it wasn’t for Epic being as generous as they are, it would be a lot more difficult to make videos like this one. So big thumbs up to them!
DOWNLOAD this game – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EmubDmoLbL42L2jcEIgimyt4_H7O-jzI/view?usp=sharing
►Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGxt9c_CREmnquHjPEknHYw?sub_confirmation=1
►Discord – https://discord.gg/WBE4xYX
►Business Email: devaddictiscringe@gmail.com
It all started when I discovered a zombie defense game on Steam for a whopping 51 cents. It looked fun and I like to see what other indie devs are making. While playing the game, my inner game developer wouldn’t shut up about how I could make a game like this in UE4 no problem. But, I just wanted to enjoy myself in the game. I didn’t want to be bothered by that inner voice. It can be so bad sometimes that I won’t even be able to sleep! What a meanie
My inner voice finally said “Ha, loser. You know you could never make something like this lol. You are baaaaad!”
“Oh yes I can! I’ll make a wave defense type game in one sitting you butthead!”
So off I went to making a game in one sitting, and I documented the process in this video.
Hey you! Yes, you reading this. What else do you think I should add to this game? Let’s get the comments going, I’ll add what the community recommends, even that dinosaur or a scary sheep I don’t care. I’ll do it!
Hit that Like button if you enjoyed this video of me making a game in less than a day. Unreal Engine 4 is a pretty powerful engine and very easy to prototype once you know what you’re doing. And hitting that Like button helps get people into game development.
And smash that subscribe button if you enjoy game development, indie devlogs, or gaming in general. Lots of awesome possom content is on the way!
○ Free Character Creator Project Download – https://youtu.be/8VztOG15fps
○ Free Battle Royale Template – https://youtu.be/Gz4YGbhoXd8
○ Melee Combat Tutorial for UE4 – https://youtu.be/JNUik-YLWUc
○ Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial for Beginners – https://youtu.be/qeKDRqWtGV0
○ My First Indie Game Devlog – https://youtu.be/9nI_Na2Wa2g
○ A Day in the Life of an Indie Developer – https://youtu.be/Br5mQ_mmftw
○ Realistic Dynamic Lighting in Unreal Engine 4 – https://youtu.be/cywvAq4dAeQ
○ Make a Co-op Survival Game in UE4 – https://youtu.be/maG2YnVnIVM
○ Steam Multiplayer Tutorial Series – https://youtu.be/Vw3d9Kwd6v8
::: Music :::
Music by Evan King
Buy this song at: https://evanking.bandcamp.com
Or grab it as a free download at: https://www.evankingmusic.com
Thanks for checking out my video where I almost broke my back sitting in my chair for so long trying to finish this game in one sitting. I think I peed only once. Which reminds me that I need to go again because as I type this my legs are wobbling back and forth. BRB
#unrealengine #ue4 #gamedev #indiegame #gamedevelopment #madewithunrealengine #indiedev