Blender Tutorial Using a Model of a Car in the Game Engine (Bullet Physics Vehicle Simulation)

This tutorial shows how to use a very simple model of a car (automobile) in the Blender game engine.

The game engine uses the Bullet Physics Simulation Library. In the library are routines for simulating four wheeled vehicles, these routines can be called from Python scripts.

This tutorial shows how to use already written scripts, taken from the site –

This tutorial is based on a tutorial from this site.

Key Points –

Orient the car so it is pointing in the positive ‘Y’ direction.

Apply scale and rotation to the car and wheels.

Name the wheels so they match the names used in the scripts.

Add a plane for the car to drive on, put the car body above the plane and the wheels below the plane, out of the way.

Change Blender Render to Blender Game and set the Physics Type of the car and the wheels.

Open the script and set the wheel positions and the radius of the the wheels.

Add an Always sensor and a Python controller, link the controller to the script.

Click the start button to test that everything has been set up correctly, the car should have the wheels added and should bounce to the ground plane.

Open the script, add a Keyboard sensor and a Python controller, linked to Add five more Keyboard sensors for the car controls.

The files can also be downloaded from my website –


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