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################## viewport needs to know game window height and width
# import Rasterizer module
import Rasterizer
# get game window height and width
height = Rasterizer.getWindowHeight()
width = Rasterizer.getWindowWidth()
################# Using 2 cameras for the player viewports. Need to get them.
# get the current scene
scene = GameLogic.getCurrentScene()
# get list in objects in scene
objList = scene.getObjectList()
# use Camera ( the active camera) for PlayerA
playerA_cam = objList[« OBCamera »]
# use Camera.001 for PlayerB
playerB_cam = objList[« OBCamera.001 »]
################# Use the top half of the game window for Player A.
# Player A viewport: top half
left_A = 0
bottom_A = height / 2
right_A = width
top_A = height
# set Player A viewport
playerA_cam.setViewport( left_A, bottom_A, right_A, top_A)
#################Use bottom half for player B.
# Player B viewport: bottom half
left_B = 0
bottom_B = 0
right_B = width
top_B = height / 2
# set Player B viewport
playerB_cam.setViewport( left_B, bottom_B, right_B, top_B)
################## Use the viewports
# use viewport