Arma 3 Editing | Multiple and Moving Spawn Points Tutorial

A simple guide on multiple spawn points and how to create a spawn point that moves as you progress through a mission.

Instructions for moving spawn point:
Place Respawn_west

Place marker first marker with variable spawn0.

Place the first trigger for the move of the first spawn. Somewhere your players will cross as they move through the mission:

In the « On Activation » box in the trigger place this:

hint « Our Insertion Point has moved »;
« respawn_west » setMarkerPos getMarkerPos « spawn1 »;
« spawn0 » setMarkerColor « ColorRed »;

Place next spawn marker with the variable name of spawn1.

Trigger for next move:

hint « Our Insertion Point has moved »;
« respawn_west » setMarkerPos getMarkerPos « spawn2 »;
« spawn1 » setMarkerColor « ColorRed »;

You can copy and paste the trigger as many times as you need, making sure you have the markers with the right names, eg spawn1, spawn2, spawn3 etc, and in the triggers if you copy and paste them, make sure you change each number to one higher in the new trigger you place, 0 to 1, 1 to 2, 2 to 3 etc.

And so on.

Post any questions or suggestions and I’ll respond to them.

Thanks for watching!


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