Blender Game Engine Tutorial How to Make a Basic Ten Pin Bowling Game

This tutorial shows how to make a basic ten pin bowling game using only logic bricks (no Python coding in this tutorial). This tutorial is suitable for beginners to the game engine.

The tutorial uses a ready made model of a skittle that can be downloaded from my website. The model was made using techniques from my chess pieces tutorials. I will make a tutorial on the skittle if requested. If you do not want to download the model, cylinders or other basic shapes could be used.

The steps are –

Make the alley from the default cube.

Append in a model of a skittle, scale it and set its physics properties.

Duplicate the skittle and arrange the duplicates.

Add a sphere for the ball and set its physics properties.

Add logic bricks so that the ball is given an initial velocity when the space bar is pressed.

Create a system for multiple bowls.

The skittle model and the final Blender file can be downloaded from my website –


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