I got many request on how to implement Beat ’em Up style 3d movement with a 2D sprite, so here’s a simple tutorial explaining how you can set that up in Unreal Engine 5.
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How to make a 2d Game in Unreal Engine 5:
2D Sprites in 3D World with Unreal Engine:
0:00 Intro
0:30 Adjusting the camera spring arm
0:41 How left and right movement works
1:00 Adding inputs for up and down movement
1:30 Enabling up and down movement
1:47 Disabling constraint to plane
2:10 Modifying up and down movement speed
2:55 Limitations with this system
Used Assets:
Free Warrior Animation Set – https://clembod.itch.io/warrior-free-animation-set
Prototype Hero – https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/prototype-hero-pixel-art
Icons made by Freepik (https://www.freepik.com) from Flaticon (https://www.flaticon.com/)
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