37 Simple Building Tips You Need for Minecraft

37 Simple Building Tips You Need for Minecraft! Building in minecraft is a tough challenge, so to help improve your builds and make building easier, these are the 37 Simple Minecraft Build Hacks you need to know! So today, let’s see the best building tips and simple build hacks you possibly didn’t know in this Skip the Tutorial minecraft list video!

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Edited by Jeenneette Wolfe and Brennan Moore
Footage collected by Frankie Mundo, Jordan Cross, Jaden Moore and Brennan Moore
Texture Pack: Vanilla Tweaks https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/resource-packs/
Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at https://www.youtube.com/user/Mewmore
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Build a helmet display for your house
byu/tinyworlds inMinecraft

A simple trick
byu/ninjayahia inMinecraft

/fill command tricks to make more complex structures faster
byu/ekra8154 inMinecraft

I tricked my friends with these Lapis and Redstone Beacons
byu/LuxrayLloyd inMinecraft

Cattail plant trick using brown candles and tall grass.
byu/hcLiv inMinecraft

Found out mojang patched the double carpet trick 1.16.3, now mobs know how to path-find over it, so I came up with a new way. You can place carpets over the bushes and walk over it. A mob barrier.
byu/egoogoo inMinecraft

Top tip! Use an alternating linear stone brick pattern to help texture large walls in castles and mansions!
byu/Misty_Panda inMinecraft

Detailing tip: pistons make for good pipes in an industrial themed build.
byu/PorkAndMustard inMinecraft

Building tip: Lanterns + leads + glass pane = lanterns on strings
byu/fapafapdragon inMinecraft

TIP: use signs under carpet to make it more detailed
byu/RussianBuilder inMinecraft

You can use signs to make detailed roads
byu/robojay500 inMinecraft

Tip: on java you can place pressure plates over item frames to make items sit on a table!
byu/RealMickyPuppet inMinecraft

Village tip: place a job station under a grave so it looks like villagers are mourning their dead 🙁
by inMinecraft

A tip for all you Volcano builders!
byu/BreadMaster101 inMinecraft

Minecraft: How to make an arrow fountain

Building Pro Tip: Use buttons on top of fences and walls to add detail
byu/Cheap_Cheap77 inMinecraft

You can build outside stairs like this
byu/galaxyspectator inMinecraft

Just to make your life a little easier – if you ever need to build something that hovers on water, start with a lily pad so you don't have to build all the way from the bottom of the sea.
byu/k0ella inMinecraft

Using some "illegal" building technics
byu/DarkGreyDerp inMinecraft

You can use moss and grass to make a natural looking striped lawn.
byu/Caelestibus42 inMinecraft

you can make sky lanterns with trapdoors and lanterns (sildur's vibrant shaders)
byu/Tripel_Meow inDetailCraft

Used Andesite to make a "carved out" mountain chimney. What do you think?
byu/SpectreCalypso inDetailCraft

Gaming Laptop using a Candle as mouse
byu/Theo_tries inDetailCraft

The new dripstone block can be used to make palm trees.
byu/ToastyGhosty4 inDetailCraft

If you use a moss block on top of an azalea bush, you get a tall bush!
byu/MiaIsGrace inDetailCraft

Exterior for my Viking Island, thoughts?
by inDetailCraft

Little chair design (To get a half bed: /setblock ~ ~ ~ blue_bed)
byu/jjkay03 inDetailCraft

Light duty supports for a platforms: rails and structure voids
byu/ywas6afraidof7bc789 inDetailCraft

You can use signs for thick rusticated columns
byu/Comrade_Rick inDetailCraft

you can create a 2×2 mineshaft using the debug stick!
by inDetailCraft

I've made this maple trees. What do you think?
byu/GreenDragon2101 inDetailCraft

I don't know if anyone else has found this, but I was building a ship in my survival world when I realized I needed a chain to hold the anchor, so I went into creative and came up with this design using the grindstone.
byu/faggyswag21 inMinecraft

[Detail] A cannon I put on my ship
byu/HeckMe inMinecraft

I made a lava pool that smelts Ancient Debris.
byu/TheSwaphero inDetailCraft

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