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In this lesson, we are learning how to animate objects like doors to bring more life into our VRChat worlds. For this lesson, we will dive into the animator, learn to program a clickable door to open, and understand how to animate objects by clicking .
Lesson Highlights:
– Learning how to use the Animator in Unity (in mostly a general fashion)
– Using the OnClick() event
– How to connect Animator nodes in the Animator
– Click a door, open it!
What you will need:
– A VRChat account (for testing from the SDK, to upload worlds when ready)
– A Unity Store account (for assets to purchase, some are free)
– VRChat SDK (downloadable with your VRChat account)
– Unity Version 2022.3.22f1 (you can also use the VRC Creator Companion to download directly)
– VRC Creator Companion (to make worlds and avatars AND to update packages when released. Custom community packages can also be used here, which we will discuss later down the line)
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