Unreal Engine 5 – Real Time Ray Tracing Is Here!

❤️ Check out Lambda here and sign up for their GPU Cloud: https://lambdalabs.com/papers

Try Unreal Engine 5 here:

My free course on ray tracing for you Fellow Scholars:

Rendering Course Videos A course on ray tracing and global illumination

Our earlier paper with the spheres scene:

Automatic Parameter Control for Metropolis Light Transport – Eurographics 2013, Short Paper – Károly Zsolnai, László Szirmay-Kalos (2013)

LuxCoreRender (free and open source): https://luxcorerender.org/

📝 My paper on simulations that look almost like reality is available for free here:

Or this is the orig. Nature Physics link with clickable citations:

🙏 We would like to thank our generous Patreon supporters who make Two Minute Papers possible:
Alex Balfanz, Alex Haro, B Shang, Benji Rabhan, Gaston Ingaramo, Gordon Child, John Le, Juan Benet, Kyle Davis, Loyal Alchemist, Lukas Biewald, Martin, Michael Albrecht, Michael Tedder, Owen Skarpness, Richard Sundvall, Taras Bobrovytsky,, Thomas Krcmar, Tybie Fitzhugh, Ueli Gallizzi.
If you wish to appear here or pick up other perks, click here: https://www.patreon.com/TwoMinutePapers

My research: https://cg.tuwien.ac.at/~zsolnai/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/twominutepapers
Thumbnail design: Felícia Zsolnai-Fehér – http://felicia.hu

#unreal #nvidia

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