Unreal Engine 4.26 Beginner's Tutorial: Make a Platformer Game

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This new beginner’s tutorial is using the just released Unreal Engine 4.26 version to help you learn how to make a platformer game with the free Hour of Code project. If it’s your first time ever opening up UE4, then this video is for you. You will learn how to place actors, how to make your own blueprints, how to program in blueprint, and more in a total of 5 lessons (all in this one video). If you’ve never step foot in Unreal Engine, then this almost 2-hour video will get you going! All you need to do is download version 4.26 from the Epic Launcher as well as the Hour of Code project from the Marketplace and you’ll be ready to follow along with me.

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I’ve broken the video up into chapters so you can come back later and finish the video on your own time:

0:00 Lesson 1: Introduction to the Hour of Code project and how to create it. You will then launch the project and open Unreal Engine 4.26 for the first time. Woop! You will learn how to navigate the viewport, get yourself around the editor, actors, placing objects from the content browser, duplicating objects for building out levels, adding collision to meshes and objects, and more.

Lesson 1 is all about placing objects in your levels and learning how collision works. Collision is one of the most important concepts of game programming. You use collision for everything: walls have collision setup to block players from passing through. Rocks and other objects also have collision setup to block players. Some collision objects are invisible and designed to perform certain tasks when Overlapped by players and other objects like bullets and projectiles.

15:16 Lesson 2: We’ll place the first Blueprint actor into the level, the Checkpoint. This actor uses overlap collision to save the location of the player in case you fall off the world and die. It will respawn you at the point of the checkpoint. We’ll go over the blueprint code to show you how the object works with the Gamemode blueprint to save the player’s location every time the player overlaps the checkpoint actor.

We will also use the Sequencer to create moving platforms with static meshes. We will update the location and rotation of the meshes in real-time in the level. The player will have to jump across the moving platforms in order to reach the second checkpoint. The Sequencer is very powerful in Unreal Engine 4.26 and you can use it for all sorts of different tasks.

43:43 Lesson 3: In this lesson, we’ll be adding a jump power up into the level so that when the player overlaps this powerup, we increase the jump of the player. You will learn how blueprints communicate with each other in order to accomplish this task. When the player overlaps the powerup actor in the level, the blueprint will fire a function that will communicate with the player. It will tell the player to increase it’s Jump for 4 seconds and play a sound. You will learn about Casting and updating variables on the player, or any class for that matter, that is casted to.

We will also add Coin pickups into the level in Lesson 3. We will go over the Coin blueprint code so you can learn how the Coin communicates to the Gamemode to update the amount of coins that the player has collected.

1:13:07 Lesson 4: In this lesson, we will create our first blueprint actor, the Key to open the blueprint door. The player will need the key in order to open the door that leads the player to the end goal and completion of the game. The key is actually a very simple true/false boolean: either the player has the key (it’s true), or the player does not (it’s false). We keep track of this boolean in the Gamemode.

You will learn how to create an Actor blueprint and add components in order to do this functionality. We will add a static mesh and a collision sphere to the blueprint. When the player overlaps the sphere, it will communicate to the Gamemode and update the boolean to True, saying that the player now has the key. When the player interacts with the Door blueprint in the level, it will now open for the player and update the Key boolean in the gamemode to False, thus saying the player no longer has the key. The player can then proceed to the EndGoal blueprint to complete the game, which will pause the game and draw a Congratulations screen.

1:42:00 Lesson 5: The final lesson focused on the player UI. Specifically, the UMG editor in Unreal Engine 4.26. You will learn how to update the UI so it shows the amount of Coins the player has collected, as well as the Key and powerups the player has collected.

By the end of this beginner’s tutorial, you will know a lot about Unreal Engine 4, creating your own actors, blueprint communication, collision, sequencer, and much more! Subscribe 🙂


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