Unity Tutorial: Scriptable Objects (Unity Basics 2022)

This video is a bit of a departure from some of my previous videos – I wanted to potentially start to cover some basics of game development of there is interest for it. Lemme know in the comments or the discord what you think!

Here are the example scripts covered within the video here:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = « GroupName », menuName = « ScriptableObjects/CreateIngredientGroup », order = 1)]
public class CreateIngredientGroup : ScriptableObject {
public string groupName;
public Sprite picture;
public Color groupTint;

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = « IngredientName », menuName = « ScriptableObjects/CreateIngredient », order = 1)]
public class CreateIngredient : ScriptableObject {
public string ingredientName;
public double baseCost;
public Sprite picture;
public CreateIngredientGroup ingredient_Group;
public double appealValue;
public double currentCost;


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