Learn how to use the Set Position node in Blender Geometry Nodes! In this tutorial, you'll discover how to modify vertex positions, select and adjust specific points, and create dynamic ...
In this video you'll learn how efficient GPU animation can be achieved with shaders in Godot. No more laggy scenes after just a hundred animated meshes, now you can really see what your GPU can ...
Turning on volumetric clouds in this tutorial and taking a look at substance designer terrain in CryEngine. Looking for Blender 3d resources? Check out my website for links to assets, addons, ...
Creating a terrain heightmap in Blender and taking it over into Cryengine. This technique isn't very common but is extremely fast to initialize a level design. Visit my website for links to ...
This is how to setup a CryEngine project from scratch the quick way. Generating a visual studio solution too. Visit my website for links to assets, addons, discord, and other resources. ...
You can create terrain sculpts in blender and bring them over to cryengine via heightmaps. This video I'll show you how. Visit my website for links to assets, addons, discord, and other ...
Tutoriel Second Life le script lsl - fin de la série sur un model de lampe japonaise
France Tuto 3d (fr)
communauté francophone ...
Tuto blender / Modeliser et texturer une lampe japonaise sur blender substance et photoshop
France Tuto 3d (fr)
communauté francophone pratiquant la modélisation 3d ainsi que la programmation, ...
Apprenez aujourd'hui les bases des bones et des armatures pour réaliser des animation. En effet, on utilise par exemple cette technique pour les animation de personnages et d'une manière générale ...
WIP of my terrain LOD shader, using the Blender Game Engine.
More infos here:
http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?256768-Terrrain-LOD-huge-open-world-for-all-%28glsl-custom-shader%29 ...
Watch this video in context on Unity's learning pages here -
An overview of what a 3D mesh is, how its made up, and how Unity ...
Blending between textures in Unreal Engine 4 is easy with vertex color. It can also be detailed and varied thanks to a simple yet powerful node, the HeightLerp.
Get project files: ...
Generate a landscape through code!
Check out Skillshare! http://skl.sh/brackeys11
This video is based on this greatwritten tutorial by Catlike Coding:
● Perlin Noise: ...
Blender 2.9 für Anfänger, Beginner, Starter und nicht Profis. Wer von Null auf mit Blender im 3D Bereich durchstarten möchte ist hier genau richtig. In diesem Abschnitt geht es um das Sculpten in ...
This is a short tip for Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) fo rthe feature vertex snapping and how to use it. I demonstrate also how to change the pivot point of your model in the UE4 editor.
Old Tavern ...