Strategy & Tactics 331

Le nouveau numéro de ce magazine est paru. En plus de différents articles (On to Baghdad: Mesopotamia & Persia, 1914–18 ; Hell on Highway 19: The Destruction of Groupement Mobile 100 ; The Fall of ...
Le nouveau numéro de ce magazine est paru. En plus de différents articles (On to Baghdad: Mesopotamia & Persia, 1914–18 ; Hell on Highway 19: The Destruction of Groupement Mobile 100 ; The Fall of ... Triangle Strategy présente ses personnages et son histoire dans un nouveau trailer Il n’a pas fallut attendre longtemps avant que l’on entende parler à nouveau de Triangle ...
On revient sur les grosses annonces de Nintendo pour ce Direct de Septembre généralement très attendu. Au programme : Bayonetta 3, un nouveau jeu Kirby complètement en 3D et des ...
This is a Humankind beginners guide / tutorial, where I dive into how to play the game, discuss the gameplay basics, talk about Neolithic Era, early game activities, and various other mechanics. ...
Le nouveau numéro de ce magazine est arrivé. En plus de différents articles (Mediterranean Empires: Struggle for the Mediterranean ; Battle of Coleto Creek: 19–20 March 1836 ; Chosin: The Marines’ ...
Le nouveau numéro de ce magazine est disponible. En plus de différents articles (The 1937 Shanghai-Nanking Campaign ; The “Corrupt Bargain” Presidential Election of 1824 ; Alexander and the Art of ...
Le nouveau numéro de ce magazine est paru. En plus de différents articles (Vicksburg: Joint Operations in the American Civil War ; Sea Dragon Ascendant: ; The Armies Of The Ptolomies, 305–30 BC ; ...
State of Decay 2 is an open-world, zombie survival video game by Undead Labs. Now available for Xbox and PC (Windows 10 Store, Steam AND Epic Game Store: crossplay available!). This video will go ...
This is a basic tutorial on how to set up logic for creating objects that get build over time and later destroyed and repaired again. The documentation for the expression controller can be found ... In this video we create a Camera Controller that allow the player to move around the camera in an RTS-inspired way. ♥ Support my videos on Patreon: ...
Top-Down Strategy Camera: In this collection of videos, we will create a simple top-down strategy camera. It's a very simplified take on camera systems seen in popular games such as the X-Com ...
A very quick and simple setup for an edge-panning camera. Source