Welcome to the start of a brand new series. This time we are diving into AI for games. This episode introduces the concepts being used in AI design and in particular, the behaviour tree. In this ...
This episode carries on from our previous one and we improve the enemy AI so that it will chase the player more accurately.
Watch the next episode where we begin creating our quest system over at ...
#JIMMYVEGAS In this Mini Unity Tutorial, we show you how to create a random number generator for various uses using C# script.
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We will be going through together how to put together a shooter game that has different weapons and eventually getting to randomized loot, alternate fires, and many other staples of shooter games.
Wie man den Gegner dazu bringt dass er zufällig ballert. In einem weiteren Tutorial werden wir einen Gegner erstellen der nur feuert wenn er den Spieler im Visier hat!