Learning Objectives:
- Using Text-to-Speech to voice characters in game production, i.e. character speech animation
- Amazon Polly & Lumberyard integration
- Learn how to create lip-syncing ...
Joue a Panzar GRATUITEMENT / Play FREE : http://play.any.tv/SHGCY
Pas de réflexion mais un bon Battle Arena a l'horizon !
Soit averti des News sur les jeux vidéos et des clés bêta sur : ...
After a few years of study, I can share with the UPBGE community, a basic online multiplayer, something simple, but that can help many people !. remembering: I'm not a professional in this, quite ...
Any and all spoilers will be met with extreme prejudice. You have been warned.
Sxith (006) episode in my Let's Play: Star Trek Online video series. This video covers me playing some more Star ...
Link: http://bit.ly/N5smoO
Neue Version (Stand 2015): http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?363313-Networking-Add-On-V2-Demo (danke an GamingByEli)
Da ich in diesem Gebiet ...