World Machine tutorial, Craters part one, World Machine and Vue workflow

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A tutorial on how to make a gun shoot like a machine gun in the blender game engine Source
#unitytutorial #unityandroidtutorial #unityslotmachine #unitysimplegame #slotmachinegame In this video tutorial, we will create a simple slot machine game for Android platform. In this game, we can ...
Making a game and programming AI behaviour is a lot of fun. But it's even more fun, and in certain cases more efficient, where the AI can learn by its own mistakes and the different player ...
Oh man those audio issues! how does that even happen?! Fourth times a charm! if it doesn't upload this time im giving up =P Thanks for watching, don't forget to leave a rating, check out my ...
link: Serial Code: 00C8-0433-D9AC-7359 Source
Video tutorial showing how to create a terrain by using Mudbox and WorldMachine to achieve convincing landscapes. Source
Criando terrenos para cryengine com World Machine Source
On découvre ensemble la fonction "Export Tiled" qui permet de sectionner notre terrain en plusieurs partie afin de ne charger, en jeu, que ce qui doit être visible autour de nous. ...
В данном видео, я расскажу как перенести ландшафт и текстуру созданные с помощью World Machine в Cryengine. Source
Notre second terrain est créé, regardons ensemble comment faire ! :) ═════════════════════════════════════════ Le Discord de la chaine: La Page Facbook de la chaine: ...
Nous voyons comment exporter notre terrain proprement pour l'utiliser dans l'unreal engine. ═════════════════════════════════════════ Le Discord de la chaine: La Page ...