Lern how to create realistic outdoor lighting for your games in the Blender Game Engine.
CHECK OUT THE OUTRO SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ftknsKppko
Notre second terrain est créé, regardons ensemble comment faire ! :)
Le Discord de la chaine:
La Page Facbook de la chaine: ...
Here we show you how to use the foliage tool to quickly populate your scene with foliage based static mesh actors. We cover how to paint on the different meshes, adjust the settings for performance ...
Après avoir vu l'option "Manage" des terrains, nous allons découvrir l'option "Sculpt". C'est avec celle-ci que l'on donne à notre terrain l'apparence désiré.
We begin to work with landscape materials, we cover all we need to know about setting up different layers with materials for rock, grass and dirt ready to be painted onto our scene within UE4.
So apart from the game being reprogrammed I added some new features. First of all you can now grab Rigid Bodys like in Stranded Deep thanks to BluePrintRandom. Also I made a ragdoll for the rabbit, ...