25 Days Of Blender – Day 7 – Table

Day 7 - Table To help me get better at game dev, I'm making a model in Blender every day until I get good. Or Christmas arrives. Whichever comes first. Voir sur youtube
Day 7 - Table To help me get better at game dev, I'm making a model in Blender every day until I get good. Or Christmas arrives. Whichever comes first. Voir sur youtube
This episode we take a quick look at the Nav Link Proxy and how it is used to handle more complex navigation for AI, such as how to make AI fall off a ledge. Support me on Patreon and get access ...
This episode we fix a few bugs discovered since the last episode before adding the damage sensing config to our AI. So when we punch the AI, he notices us and gives chase. Support me on Patreon ...