Custom Cursor in Blender's Game Engine – Tutorial
Just a quick tutorial explaining how to create a custom cursor for blender 3D's game engine. Resources: code- 2.5x import bge G = bge.logic cont = G.getCurrentController() owner = cont.owner ...
Just a quick tutorial explaining how to create a custom cursor for blender 3D's game engine. Resources: code- 2.5x import bge G = bge.logic cont = G.getCurrentController() owner = cont.owner ...
This is the expansion of my video tutorial on moustracking in Blender3D. If you have any feedback / questions just post them. I do also take tutorial requests! Source
This is a basic tutorial on how to set up logic for creating objects that get build over time and later destroyed and repaired again. The documentation for the expression controller can be found ...
Here's the hotkeys to switch to Blender 2.8's first person camera mode! If you'd like to help support my channel, please consider making a donation! It helps more than you know ...
A very quick and simple setup for an edge-panning camera. Source
Hello everyone! This is a demonstration on creating advanced Materials in the Blender 2.75 Game Engine. Enjoy! source
This is the second part of the GUI tutorial, which covers mostly examples of how buttons may be used. source