
UpBge + Eevee test = Game Engine mode. :)

UpBge + Eevee test = Game Engine mode. :)

Ive try to do simple test with Upbge + Eevee by porting my old test example. Shaders nor textures are pbs correct! By adding the 4 light the fps drp to 70. The sources have not been updated to the ...

Blender UPBGE Material Fake

Blender UPBGE Material Fake

Aqui vemos a utilização da ferramenta Realtime de textura Envoroment Map com algumas modificações em nodes para imitar o resultado da renderização em tempo real do eevee do blender. Não e lá ...

10 mins GameDev tips – Quaternions

10 mins GameDev tips – Quaternions

In this 10 mins GameDev tips we are going to explore Quaternions in an intuitive way. Don't expect deep math derivations. However after watching this video ... Source

[UPBGE] Engine Roar (Test 0.09)

[UPBGE] Engine Roar (Test 0.09)

Developing games Engine Roar in UPBGE. Working at an early stage. Platforms: Windows / Mac / Linux DEVELOPERS Concept: Igor Tverdokhleb. Models and textures: Igor Tverdokhleb, Alexandr ...

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