UPBGE – FPS Shooter 3

Patch Notes (Game Version 0.0.3): - Basic Main Menu - Improved Weapon -- Coil2 - Settings Menu (WIP) Voir sur youtube
Patch Notes (Game Version 0.0.3): - Basic Main Menu - Improved Weapon -- Coil2 - Settings Menu (WIP) Voir sur youtube
Patch Notes: - FPS Movement - Camera Animations - Prototyping Map - 2D Shaders Voir sur youtube
Today, we learn how to make a character move in the Blender Game Engine... prepping him for our first person camera in the Blender Game Engine, using the Logic Bricks... without Python. IMPORTANT ...
Patch Notes (Game Version 0.0.2): - FPS Arms - Modified Submachine Gun (MP5) - Gun Walking Animations (WIP) Source
Neste vídeo você vai aprender como se cria uma movimentação de jogos de FPS na Upbge sem usar nenhum script, e de quebra vamos resolver alguns bugs comuns que costumam acontecer, qualquer dúvida ...