Realistic First-Person Movement Template V1 in Unreal Engine 5 – FREE Download!

Looking for a polished and realistic first-person movement system for Unreal Engine 5? I’ve created a FREE template packed with features to add immersion and smooth mechanics to your projects! Whether you’re working on a game or experimenting, this template is easy to integrate and fully customizable.

Engine-Version: 5.5.1

💾 Download Links:
Full Project:
Playable Demo:

📢 **Features:**
🎥 Realistic Headbobbing: Smooth and immersive camera movement while walking or running.
🔄 Smooth Crouching & Jumping: Seamless animations for a better gameplay experience.
🪜 Ladder Climbing: Fully functional climbing mechanics with fluid transitions.
🌊 Camera Sway: Subtle camera tilting when moving left or right for added realism.
🔊 14 Physical Footstep Sounds: Dynamic footstep sounds for different surfaces to enhance immersion.
🔍 Zooming: Adds the ability to zoom in for better precision or a more focused view.
🛠️ Designed for Unreal Engine 5.5 and optimized for performance.

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#UnrealEngine5 #FreeTemplate #FirstPersonMovement #GameDev

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