Lets take a look at the new Humble Bundle Unity and Game Dev tutorial bundle. This has over 1000 hours of Unity tutorials, content from AI, to pathfinding, machine learning, basics of games design, survival games, VR, AR and multiplayer. It has something for everything. Worth over $2,500!
Humble Tutorial Bundle: https://bit.ly/MammothUnityTutorialsBundle
All Savings Video: https://youtu.be/FWMG3WX03f0
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Synty Publisher Mega Sale: https://bit.ly/SyntyPublisherMegaSale
SpeedTutor Unity Store: https://bit.ly/STUnityStorePuzzlePacks
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Unity WELCOME2022 Offer: https://bit.ly/UnityWelcome2022OFFER
Synty Assets: https://bit.ly/SyntyLowPolyAssets
INSANE HUMBLE SAVINGS: https://bit.ly/HumbleBundleDeals
Unity ART Bundle: https://bit.ly/UnityHumbleArtBundle
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SFX for Games Bundle: https://bit.ly/SFX-Music-For-Games
Learn Programming Games Bundle: https://bit.ly/LearnProgrammingGames
Unity Materials / Files & More:
CGAxis 400 PBR Material Bundle: https://bit.ly/CGAxisPBRDeals
Filebase Assets: https://filebase.gamedevhq.com/ (Code: SPEEDTUTOR2022 – Sign up for a FREE MONTH)
Unity Plus: https://bit.ly/UnityPlusDeals
Unity Pro: https://bit.ly/UnityProDeals
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SpeedTutor Puzzle Assets:
Unity Store: https://bit.ly/STUnityStorePuzzlePacks
My Website Discounts: https://www.speed-tutor.com/
SpeedTutor Best Selling Assets:
Adventure Puzzle Kit: https://bit.ly/STAdventurePuzzleKit
Note & Letter System: https://bit.ly/STNoteLetterSystem
Examine System: https://bit.ly/STExamineSystem
Keypad System: https://bit.ly/STKeypadSystem
SpeedTutor Model Packs:
Unity Store: https://bit.ly/STUnityStoreModelPacks
My Website Discounts: https://www.speed-tutor.com/
My Assets include: Gas Mask, Flashlight, Generator, Themed Key , Padlock, Phone, Chess Puzzle, Lever, Valve Puzzle, Fuse Box & Safe Systems. Cardboard, Debris, Massive Models and more!
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