Make Your First Unity Game in 15 Minutes! (Step-by-Step for Beginners)

in this educational video, we create our first game project in the 2d unity environment and learn the basics of game development with unity.
00:00 Intro
00:45 Game graphics creation in unity 2d
01:21 Adding physics and collisions to the player in a 2D game
01:57 Game Ui Creation
02:29 Creating a game loss panel
04:25 Game Score Manager Script
05:45 Player controller in a 2D Unity game
06:42 On mouse down in unity 2d
07:23 On collision enter 2d
08:18 Add tag in unity
09:17 Moving obstacles in Unity 2D
10:52 Game Manager creation
11:48 Game Over function
12:13 Restart game function
13:11 Game prefab creation
13:24 Obstacle generator in unity 2d

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