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Here is my FREE C# complete course!
This covers all topics, from Beginner to Intermediate and Advanced. In total over 12 hours split across 95 Lectures.
Starting on the Beginner section from the absolute basics like how code executes line by line and what is a Variable.
Then covering Intermediate topics like what are Interfaces, Generics and Events and how you can use them to build awesome things.
You will also learn the theory behind how to choose good Naming Rules, Clean Code Guidelines and learn about Design Patterns.
And finally in the Advanced section it covers very interesting topics like Reflection, Async programming and Multithreading
So in this entire course I did try to cover almost everything related to C#, from beginner to intermediate and advanced.
If you enjoy this FREE video check out the Premium version of the course with a bunch of nice bonuses like Interactive Exercises to help you LEARN BY DOING!
Get the Premium Course!
00:00:00 Intro
00:08:22 Course Overview
00:22:06 What is C#
00:23:42 How to get Help
00:26:26 Getting Started Visual Studio
00:33:23 Unity Install and Basics
00:45:07 How the Companion Project Works
00:51:24 Common Errors
01:03:05 Programming Basics
01:10:42 Variables
01:18:11 Variables Companion Project Walkthrough
01:39:17 Data Types
01:56:20 If Statements, Conditions
02:11:24 Switch
02:14:57 Functions
02:30:16 Scope
02:36:15 Comments
02:40:43 Arrays, Lists
02:51:55 Loops
03:06:39 Class
03:21:01 Static
03:29:13 Access Modifiers
03:34:38 Naming Rules
03:39:33 Clean Code Guidelines
03:52:31 Beginner Project
04:03:14 Beginner Summary
04:05:05 Beginner Ending
04:06:09 Intermediate Intro
04:07:51 Intermediate Overview
04:11:20 Visual Studio Shortcuts
04:27:51 Refactoring
04:30:13 Enums
04:38:06 Properties
04:45:04 Multidimensional Arrays
04:52:59 Nested Loops
04:59:33 Recursion
05:05:04 Dictionary
05:13:37 Other Collections
05:19:08 params
05:21:47 Optional Parameters
05:26:33 Value Type vs Reference Types
05:35:45 Struct
05:42:44 Class Intermediate
06:00:40 Interfaces
06:12:19 Type casting, is, as
06:20:41 Switch Pattern Matching
06:23:55 Delegates
06:35:29 Local Function vs Lambda
06:39:06 Events
06:53:43 Generics
07:04:40 Constants, readonly
07:09:24 Exceptions, Try Catch Finally
07:16:28 IEnumerable
07:25:07 Namespaces
07:29:58 Singleton Pattern
07:39:53 Design Patterns
07:44:14 Intermediate Project
08:09:11 Intermediate Ending
08:10:53 Advanced Intro
08:11:45 Advanced Overview
08:19:52 Reflection
08:34:13 Function Extensions
08:39:14 Static Constructor
08:44:28 typeof
08:47:14 nameof
08:51:21 sizeof
08:55:02 default
08:59:51 Expression-bodied Members
09:03:24 Records
09:09:43 Null Conditional Operators
09:14:58 Null-Coalescing Operators
09:21:06 Ternary Conditional Operator
09:23:06 Main and Command Line Args
09:32:41 Nullable
09:38:17 Span
09:44:59 Bitwise Operators
09:53:35 Enum Flags
09:58:28 Preprocessor Directives
10:08:14 ref, out, in
10:20:32 Data Boxing
10:24:29 dynamic
10:32:59 Class Indexer
10:37:28 Attributes
10:43:39 Anonymous Types
10:56:28 Tuples
using, IDisposable
Override Operators
DLLImport, extern, WinAPI
Asserts, Unit Testing
unsafe, pointers
async await Task
12:13:43 Multithreading
12:30:35 Advanced Summary
12:38:55 Complete FREE Course Ending
#csharp #programming
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