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Learn to make awesome games step-by-step from start to finish.
Learn C# Intermediate FREE Tutorial Course!
Learn C# Beginner FREE Course!
Learn Unity Beginner/Intermediate 2023 (FREE COMPLETE Course – Unity Tutorial)
Code 260x FASTER! Learn Unity DOTS!
I’ve just updated my C# Course with 22 more Advanced lectures! This makes the course fully complete starting from the absolute basics for Beginners, then Intermediate and finally the Advanced section.
This one takes things up one more level relative to the Beginner and Intermediate sections. Here we will learn some very interesting advanced topics like Asynchronous Programming, Reflection, using Nullables, Preprocessor Directives and Multithreading.
Like I mentioned a few months ago, the plan was to have a premium version of the course, and if that one sells a certain number of copies I would make the video lectures free. I’m happy to report that yup it has indeed surpassed all thresholds!
So the Beginner and Intermediate video lectures are already FREE here on YouTube, and the Advanced section will be coming out on YouTube in one month.
I hope you learn a lot!
Some Links are Affiliate links which means it costs the same to you and I get a nice commission.
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Hello and Welcome!
I’m your Code Monkey and here you will learn everything about Game Development in Unity using C#.
I’ve been developing games for several years with 8 published games on Steam and now I’m sharing my knowledge to help you on your own game development journey.
I do Unity Tutorials on just about every topic, Unity Tutorials for Beginners and Unity Tutorials for Advanced users.
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