I made Call of Duty Warzone Clone in 48 hours using the Unity game engine.
A fun 3D game development challenge to make Call of Duty Warzone Clone which is a 3D first-person shooter battle royale in a limited time frame, putting my beginner Unity game development skills to the test.
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Similar Channels/Inspirations:
Dani – https://www.youtube.com/c/DaniDev
Polymars – https://www.youtube.com/c/PolyMars
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Barji – https://www.youtube.com/c/BarjiGames
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CodyCantEatThis -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9P0bchnch7IqfrbTib4nrA
Music from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSZXFhRIx6b0dFX3xS8L1yQ
This video is for entertainment purposes only, my version of Call of Duty Warzone is just a clone and the official game rights belong to Activision.
This is a Game dev Challenge of Making a 3D FPS game / Making Call of duty Warzone which is a 3D FPS Call of Duty Clone and How to make Call of duty in Unity.
#gamedev #3DUnity #callofduty
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