In this full course you will learn how to make a 2d platformer game in unity game engine with c sharp coding & this tutorial is for beginners & Intermediate people, from classes to if condition code structure in c sharp programming for game development.
Learn how to make a 2d game in unity with c sharp programming language
This is the finest course of mine on complete unity tutorial for beginners & Intermediate!
Player Sprites
Coin Sprite
Menu Video
Camera Shake video
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:09 Project Create & Save
00:02:12 Unity Editor overview
00:03:20 Player Setup
00:04:38 Adding Component
00:06:24 Ground Setup
00:07:50 Player script movement
00:22:27 Player flip logic
00:24:48 Flip & If condition
00:34:48 Player jump logic
00:36:00 Scripting jump
00:41:43 Single jump logic
00:42:26 Scripting single jump
00:54:08 Animation player
01:05:20 Animation Transition
01:12:21 Transition via scripting
01:36:55 Player attack animation
01:44:29 Attack scripting
01:48:18 Tile Map & Setup
02:02:22 Backgrounds
02:06:01 Camera follow logic
02:06:49 Cinemachine Install & Setup
02:22:53 Patrol Enemy
02:28:02 Enemy Script
02:31:03 Patrol logic & scripting
02:40:33 Function for Draw
02:52:56 Enemy Attack logic
02:53:38 Enemy Animation
03:01:30 Animation Transition
03:18:06 Enemy Attack scripting
03:37:06 Transition via code
03:40:57 Enemy flip logic scripting
03:48:00 Enemy attack method
04:01:46 Player damage & scripting
04:12:34 UI Unity
04:22:20 Player attack function
04:33:08 Enemy health & damage
04:47:03 Game manager script
05:00:10 Coin, Collectable items
05:13:08 On Trigger function
05:28:17 Coin Text UI
05:35:16 Victory logic
05:43:31 New Scene create(Level 2)
05:43:56 Scene management script
05:53:18 Level 2 setup(Scene)
05:56:10 Level design
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In this Channel you will videos on How to make 2d game with UNITY & C# coding Making a game is such a completed subject but I will guide how to take your first step in game development industry even you are totally new to game development! You will get Beginner tutorial to Advance Tutorial on UNITY game engine and C sharp coding!
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