Easiest Way to Learn CryEngine

What is the easiest way to learn CryEngine?

Crying that you cannot afford to take classes in it certainly won’t count, nor will playing games all day created in it work.

I know a lot of games were created in CryEngine. That’s why I want to learn it to become a game developer.

I’d say start with the CryEngine dot com documentation home and start reading.

If I wanted to read a book to learn about CryEngine, I’d try the library or pay for a lot of them at the book store.

Stand outside a CryEngine class and shout UDK rules! Duck, then collect all the books they threw at you and hope that a few are for CryEngine.

I’d rather do hands on tutorials, or at least as hands on as you can get with online lessons. Online tutorials have the advantage of being at my own pace, letting me skip to content I want, and not listen to why I should use Maya to make old looking stuff.

Then try the Cybergamearts channel on Youtube. They have free tutorials on CryEngine, from how to download it to starting to actually work in it.

Assuming they actually have decent content.

So try Worldofleveldesign, which has tutorials from navigating in the software application, to creating terrain to keeping maps to scale, to adding roads and vehicles.

In short, everything I need to make a fake world.

Their stuff is more vegetation, natural features, terrain and maps, not crowds and characters. Actually, CryEngine is pretty much only intended for rendering worlds and not necessarily scantily clad heroines or princesses to be rescued.

Where else can I go?

CryEngine dot com has lessons on CryEngine, many of which integrate programming with C++.

I got an F in programming in languages like that. I want to learn the interfaces that do not require a lot of programming.

So try gamedevelopment dot tutsplus dot com. They have several CryEngine tutorials.

Are they good?

Yes, but if you have the money, pay for Eat 3D tutorials for the truly advanced lessons.

I’ve heard the jokes that you have to pay to play; I did not realize you’d have to pay that much, to make what players want to play.

Cybergamearts has tutorials on both Cryengine and UDK. They even show some of it for free on Youtube.

Free is good.

So try the CryEngine 3 manual on the CryDev website. It covers everything from installation to world building.

That’s all I need in the world, assuming I can understand the tech manuals. Too many of them are written by experts for experts.


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