Dialogue System for Unreal Engine in 30 mins! [Tutorial]

You always wanted to have a dialogue system in your Unreal Engine game but did not know how to code it? We will make a system in 30 minutes that covers all the basics. The system is flexible, can be attached to any actors and it is able to handle conversation events, such as advancing a quest or loading a level!
My games: https://orand.itch.io/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bencemervay
PART 1: Introduction & overview
0:00 Intro
0:45 Structural overview of the system

PART 2: Create and prepare all assets in advance
1:31 Create all assets in advance
3:05 Prepare: BPC_Conversant
4:20 Prepare: WBP_Conv_Main
5:28 Prepare: WBP_Conv_Player
6:27 Prepare: WBP_Conv_NPC
6:51 Prepare: WBP_Conv_Answer

PART 3: Finish the WBP_Conv_Answer widget
7:16 Create UI: WBP_Conv_Answer
8:13 Add logic: WBP_Conv_Answer

PART 4: Finish the WBP_Conv_Player widget
9:47 Create UI: WBP_Conv_Player
10:04 Add logic: WBP_Conv_Player

PART 5: Finish the WBP_Conv_NPC widget
11:14 Create UI: WBP_Conv_NPC
12:08 Add logic: WBP_Conv_NPC

PART 6: Finish the WBP_Conv_Main widget
13:31 Create UI: WBP_Conv_Main
15:44 Add logic: WBP_Conv_Main

PART 7: Finish the BPC_Conversant component
23:36 Add logic: BPC_Conversant

PART 8: Example dialogue and Outro
26:31 Example Dialogue
29:02 Outro

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