Ever wanted to DESTROY 3D objects in Unity? Now you can, with this awesome free plugin for Unity. Prefracture, facture or slice entire meshes with this easy to use system. Follow a few simple steps and turn any piece of geometry into a fracturable object!
OpenFracture: https://github.com/dgreenheck/OpenFracture
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JustCreate Fantasy Forest Bundle: https://prf.hn/l/eQOyPko
JustCreate LOWPOLY Unity Bundles: https://speedtutor.tiny.us/JustCreateBundles
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Padlock System: http://bit.ly/padlocksystem
Phone System: http://bit.ly/phonecallsystem
Lever Puzzle System: http://bit.ly/leverpuzzlesystem
Valve Puzzle System: https://bit.ly/ValvePuzzleSystem
Fuse Box System: https://bit.ly/FuseBoxPuzzle
Model Packs:
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