The initial release sale of Top Down Car Racing Engine ends today. So I thought I’d grab it quickly. I just do like those arcade racers.
And – wow – am I positively surprised by that asset. It’s the most complete asset I’ve ever had. It’s a full game, check the asset description for details. The publisher provides plenty of tutorials and documentation. I’m really impressed. Especially how one can quickly get into the gameplay. The asset is just right. All you can see including script creation was done during morning coffee.
Of course I wanted to modify the scene. The asset comes with its custom spline editor, MicroVerse uses Unity splines. So I quickly coded a mapper for their spline positions to Unity spline positions. Just to enable road creation along the spline and vegetation removal.
I’m super impressed what you can do with this asset. I also wanted to see how the asset works when it’s not in top down mode.
What you see in the video is just a fraction of what the asset provides.
The vegeation and houses I used are from QuadArt. Excellent and very well performing assets.
00:00 Start from scratch
00:06 Load one of the demo scenes
00:10 Test the demo scene
00:26 Add MicroVerse for existing terrains
00:36 Hide the road’s mesh, we stick with the road that’s available
00:40 Paint a road, we sync it later
00:48 Add custom sync script, sync splines
00:46 Add biomes
01:20 Add buildings and objects
02:08 Let’s play!
02:40 Modify camera position
02:54 Continue with follower camera position
Btw, my driving is not the best with keyboard, I just wanted to show how complete the asset is. Even provides ending screen. And more!
I posted the script I used in the MicroVerse support discord in case anyone needs it.
Assets used:
* [ Release Sale
] Top Down Car Racing Engine
* [ Release Sale
] Biomes and Presets 3 for MicroVerse
* [ Black Friday Flash Deal
] World Building Bundle for MicroVerse
* [ Black Friday Sale
] Ultimate StampIT! Collection
(Note: Included in World Building Bundle for MicroVerse)
* [ Black Friday Sale
] MicroVerse – Core Collection
* [ Black Friday Sale
] MicroVerse – Roads
* [ Black Friday Sale
] Modular Houses (Residential Update)
* Forest Lake
* Lookout Tower
* SceneNav – Smooth & Fast Scene Navigation
* Photo Session
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