Lets compare 4 different editor attribute assets that you can get for absolutely FREE! Suitable for all versions of Unity including Unity 6. We’ll compare things to help you create custom editors with ease. Create titles, dropdowns, lists, buttons, warnings and much more! We’ll look at Tetra, Awesome, Naughty and Editor attributes.
11 Assets for $1 Sale: https://bit.ly/UnitySalesHub
Writing Your Own Custom Editor / Inspector: https://youtu.be/xFtFWmiW7IE
Tetra Attributes: https://tinyurl.com/4zfk46ed
Awesome Attributes: https://tinyurl.com/mr2c7yb2
Naughty Attributes: https://tinyurl.com/5fwx8d4m
Editor Attributes: https://tinyurl.com/mer2xpsb
Unity Rich Text: https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.ugui@1.0/manual/StyledText.html
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INSANE UNITY SAVINGS: https://bit.ly/UnitySalesHub
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Weekly Publisher Sale (+FREE Asset): https://bit.ly/WeeklyPublisherSale
Unity New Release Discount Sale: https://prf.hn/l/BdvEmg3
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4000+ Environment Bundle: humblebundleinc.sjv.io/JKJPzr
Unity Leartes Environment Bundle (Code « BF60 »): https://gumroad.com/a/813714451/jdsttx
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Unity Pro Deals: https://bit.ly/UnityProDeals
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00:00 Which free assets are we comparing?
00:47 Tetra Attributes
03:07 Awesome Attributes
04:34 Naughty Attributes
06:55 Editor Attributes
SpeedTutor Puzzle / Model / Particle Assets:
Unity Store: https://bit.ly/STUnityStorePuzzlePacks
My Website Discounts: https://www.speed-tutor.com/
SpeedTutor Best Selling Assets:
Adventure Puzzle Kit: https://bit.ly/STAdventurePuzzleKit
Note & Letter System: https://bit.ly/STNoteLetterSystem
Examine System: https://bit.ly/STExamineSystem
Keypad System: https://bit.ly/STKeypadSystem
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#SpeedTutor #Unity #CustomInspector
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