FULL 3D DASH ABILITY in 11 MINUTES – Unity Tutorial
In this video I’m going to show you how to code a full 3D Dash ability in Unity. Including dashing in multiple directions based on player input, keeping the momentum after dashing and adding camera effects to make the dash feel more alive.
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➤ DOWNLOAD the SCRIPT: https://github.com/DaveGameDevelopment/Dashing-Tutorial-GitHub/blob/main/Dashing%20Tutorial%20(Unity%20Project)/Assets/Dashing.cs
➤ DOWNLOAD the PROJECT (in the free-code-dave channel): https://discord.gg/5S3bBBq
➤ DON’T CLICK: https://bit.ly/2VcrDZt
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#UnityMovement #ThirdPersonMovement #UnityTutorial
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