A selection of the BEST FREE assets for Unity, for February / March 2023. This includes over 75 Free models, Programming Assets, Materials, Textures, Particles, VFX and more! Even some free unreal assets that you can use in Unity too!
Free March Unity Assets: https://speedtutor.tiny.us/MarchFreeUnityAssets
Sales Video: https://youtu.be/iPYnRNqGMjM
Unreal to Unity Tutorial: https://youtu.be/ED0U5eJgNpI
Unity vs Unreal – Graphics Comparison: https://youtu.be/xLXexSnV5Nc
Is this Game Asset copyrighted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfwQ-251GOo
Get OVER 180+ Scripts, Projects and premium content on my PATREON HERE:
INSANE UNITY SAVINGS: https://bit.ly/UnitySalesHub
Unity Sales: https://bit.ly/UnitySalesHub
SpeedTutor Unity Store: https://bit.ly/STUnityStorePuzzlePacks
Unity New Release Discount Sale: https://prf.hn/l/BdvEmg3
Unity WELCOME2023 Offer: https://bit.ly/UnityWelcome2022OFFER
Quick Start Pack: https://bit.ly/UnityQuickStartBundle
INSANE HUMBLE SAVINGS: https://bit.ly/HumbleBundleDeals
Synty Assets: https://bit.ly/SyntyBundleAssets23
UE5 Tutorials + Free Assets: https://bit.ly/LearnUE5-FreeAssets
Survival Game Creation: https://bit.ly/ZenvaSurvivalGameTutorials
Military Assets Bundle: https://bit.ly/Military3DAssetsBundle
Unreal Engine Book Tutorial Bundle: https://bit.ly/UE5GameDevBooksBundle
Unity Materials / Files & More:
CGAxis PBR Deals: https://bit.ly/CGAxisPBRDeals
Synty Assets: https://bit.ly/SyntyLowPolyAssets
Unity Plus: https://bit.ly/UnityPlusDeals
Unity Pro: https://bit.ly/UnityProDeals
1). (URP)Simple Toon Shader: https://speedtutor.tiny.us/yvf27keb
2). XRI Starter Kit: https://speedtutor.tiny.us/bdz7s74x
3). ASCII FBX Exporter for Unity: https://speedtutor.tiny.us/2p8vk3ue
4). Low Poly Environment Park: https://speedtutor.tiny.us/yenbwsdv
5). 60+ Free Character Portraits: https://speedtutor.tiny.us/2p84u7kd
6). Export Project to Zip: https://speedtutor.tiny.us/3ptbet5z
7). Magic Effects Bundle: https://speedtutor.tiny.us/2p95ntne
8). Loader Heavy Machinery: https://speedtutor.tiny.us/2p8fsm2v
9). Campfires & Torches Models: https://speedtutor.tiny.us/3zpwzaxp
10). Inspector Graph: https://speedtutor.tiny.us/2p8sh5ys
11). 3D Square Tile Terrain Generator: https://speedtutor.tiny.us/2p9dxrre
BIG DISCOUNTS on my website, for my UNITY ASSETS:
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SpeedTutor Puzzle Assets:
Unity Store: https://bit.ly/STUnityStorePuzzlePacks
My Website Discounts: https://www.speed-tutor.com/
SpeedTutor Best Selling Assets:
Adventure Puzzle Kit: https://bit.ly/STAdventurePuzzleKit
Note & Letter System: https://bit.ly/STNoteLetterSystem
Examine System: https://bit.ly/STExamineSystem
Keypad System: https://bit.ly/STKeypadSystem
SpeedTutor Model Packs:
Unity Store: https://bit.ly/STUnityStoreModelPacks
My Website Discounts: https://www.speed-tutor.com/
My Assets include: Gas Mask, Flashlight, Generator, Themed Key , Padlock, Phone, Chess Puzzle, Lever, Valve Puzzle, Fuse Box & Safe Systems. Cardboard, Debris, Massive Models and more!
Connect with me:
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| Website: http://www.speed-tutor.com
#SpeedTutor #Unity #FreeAssets
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